The platinum lyre molly, also called the silver lyre tail molly, displays a solid platinum body. The colors on these fish jump in the planted aquarium. These live bearers also make a good contract to Glofish.
- Scientific Name: Poecilia Latipinna
- Origin: Central America
- Lifespan: 1 year
- Max Size: 2.5"
- Food: Flake, Live, Frozen
Most mollies originate in North, Central and South America, where they reside in freshwater and brackish bodies of water. It is typically easy to tell the difference between males and females by the length and/or shape of their fins. These peaceful livebearers give birth to live young and can rapidly reproduce. Preferring to live in groups, mollies come in an array of colors, patterns and fin lengths. They readily adapt to changes in the water, making them a recommended species for beginning aquarists.